Friday, November 25, 2016

Pamela Clay 2016 Interview!

Pamela Clay is a multidimensional talent here in Hollywood. Singing, acting, writing. Is there anything she can't do? If want to find out more visit her website after you see our interview below!

I read that your career on stage started at age 5. Wow! Do you remember the first song you ever sang?

It was a kindergarten production about health + I played Miss Merry Sunshine - the song I sang was called "My Name's Miss Merry Sunshine"!

What is your favorite song you’ve ever recorded?

Edith Piaf's "La Vie en Rose"

What made you explore so many different facets of entertainment?

It's because there are so many facets to me!

Favorite place in the world?

Toss up between two extremes: Big Sur, California + Paris, France

What is something your fans don’t know about you that they should know?

I'd never be the one to say anyone "should" do anything - but if you'd like me to share something my fans may not know....that I was deaf when I was three years old! (An experimental tonsillectomy performed by an Army doctor had "miraculous results"! When I woke up, the first thing I remember was the sound of birds singing outside my window!)

What was the the amazing moment of 2016?

Hearing a very haunting version of "Love Me Tender" played just after the burial ceremony with full military honors for my retired General father, General Wallace Clifton Magathan, Jr., who passed at 95, a truly great American hero who helped make this world a better place.

What are your plans & goals for 2017?

I'm looking forward to playing the mayor's wife in a werewolf feature called "Ripped to Shreds" and other acting roles, recording more of our original songs with my husband Bruce Bermudez and my seven-piece, all-original New Orleans-flavored rock band, Catahoula, as well as solo adaptations and compostions, and to introducing my self-penned one-woman show "Forever Piaf!" chronicling the life of tragic French singer Edith Piaf with songs sung all in French to new audiences.

What do Bob Gerholdt & Copymat Hollywood mean to you?

Bob Gerholdt and CopyMat are like "professional family" to me. I've been able to count on them to deliver beautiful work in association with my singing and acting career, such as headshots, business cards, promotional postcards, posters, scripts and so much more, for over fifteen years, and every interaction is increasingly satisfying!

Anything else you’d like to add?

When we tap into joy, we tap into the power of the Universe!

Please visit Pamela Clay's website & stay up to date with her entertainment endeavors!


  1. Loved this Pamela use it as PR and a great photo of you in RED.... am sure all your dreams come true just work it and continue to be true to your beautiful nature and soul! Live the dream girl you can do it !

    1. Thank you ever sooo very much on all counts!!! May all our fondest wishes come true in "rainbow colors" in the happiest of ways!!! :-)

  2. Thank you a million times sweet Gregory for this fabulous post - you humble + honor me at the same time + fill me with joy + gratitude!! :-) xox

  3. Awesome, beautiful, and an amazing performer Pam is. She's a Genuine soul and such a pleasure to watch in action.
    I would LOVE to see her on the silver screen.👌

  4. Awesome, beautiful, and an amazing performer Pam is. She's a Genuine soul and such a pleasure to watch in action.
    I would LOVE to see her on the silver screen.👌
