Friday, March 17, 2017

Los Angeles Volunteer Group "ResisterhoodLA" Gives Back! 2017 Exclusive Interview.

Here at Copymat Hollywood, we've been supporting local organizations, charities, students & arts for over 25 years. We love seeing people in the community step up & give back to our great city of Los Angeles. When we spoke to one of our customers Bianca Caruso about their new organization "Resisterhood LA", we were very impressed with the work they are doing! Learn more about them in our exclusive Hollywood interview below.

What is the goal of ResisterhoodLA?

Sometimes the idea of “getting involved” and “enacting change” can feel overwhelming. We want to do more than advocate, we want to participate. We facilitate the planning of monthly events so people can get involved and most importantly, we try to make volunteering easy and fun.  
We hope to encourage people to make doing good part of their everyday. We think this quote really sums up what we stand for: “Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” - Unknown

What's your favorite spot to eat in Los Angeles?  

This is the hardest question!  I would have to say Soot Bull Jeep in Korea Town.  I’ve been going there for 12 years and it’s not just about their delicious fresh food, it’s about the smell that stays on your clothes for days after!

What are some goals for 2017?

We want to expand our network and up our membership. We have a few amazing friendships with non-profits in our community (like LA Family Housing), where they call US when they have a need. We'd love to establish more relationships like that, and continue to connect with local businesses like Skylight books, Copymat, and Vintage Theatres. 

Great LA River Clean up: Sounds great! Tell us about that.
On Saturday, April 15th, we'll be participating in the largest urban river cleanup in America — an event that’s great for all ages, kids + dogs.
And you don't have to go IN the river/ get wet, unless you want to. Last year 9,000 volunteers shattered records at the 2016 CleanUp and hauled off more than 70 tons of trash!
Throughout the CleanUp there will be live bands, visiting VIPs, and select sites will host the Los Angeles River Rover!  More Details for Great LA River Cleanup are here:

If one wants to make the world a better place, what's your advice?  

Start small.  Think about the way you live your life and the small ways in which you can contribute  - whether that’s donating a little bit here and there or changing where you shop or utilizing the skills you already have for good.  You don’t have to uproot your life to make a difference.  It’s about changing your perspective and taking it one day at a time. 

Could anyone join your organization?
Anyone can join!

Anything else you'd like to add?

We keep a community calendar on our site where you can see other events our members host. ( For example, I co-host a night at The Hotel Cafe called #CoversForACauseLA where we choose an artist’s music and have local LA musicians perform their songs. All of the money goes to the charity of the Month. Our next night is on April 8th and we’ll be performing the entirety of Radiohead’s iconic album OK Computer and all proceeds will go toward More info here!

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